Thursday, September 25, 2008

New York Wedding Photographer

Finding a New York Wedding Photographer should be easy as there are literally thousands of choices at your fingertips. However, sifting through the seemingly endless number of New York Photographers from major corporate giants to small mom and pops, to single artist options can be a daunting experience to say the least. Finding the perfect wedding photographer in a city the size of New York is quite a task at hand, so here are some things to consider before your put the feelers out on your quest for the perfect photographer.

You ever wonder why one restaurant can survive for decades while others come and go? Do you think it might have to do with there service, quality of food, prices, or maybe all of the above? The fact is that the studios that have been around for years have managed to stay because they provide great service and a quality product. That isn't to say they are perfect, but in a city this demanding, you don't last long if you aren't earning referrals. New York City is the city that makes or breaks artists. Statistics show that 4 out of 5 photographers are out of business within the first 5 years. When it comes to your wedding, the last thing you want to consider is putting thousands of dollars in the hands of a business that isn't proven to be around when the big day comes. Longevity should be a consideration when you are planning an occasion as important as your wedding.

With that said, you have to also consider style. Many studios that have in fact been around since the beginning of film may not have evolved with the times, or with the personalities and needs of younger generations. When I have a consultation with a couple, I tend to listen. Often couples can't tell us exactly what they do want, but certainly speak up when they tell us what they don't want. A recent mom and daughter sat down with me talking about a recent over the top wedding in New York City they took part in. They talked at length about the photographer's personality and how annoying he was. They proceeded to talk about how during the horrah, a jewish custom dance in which the couples is lifted on chairs, the photographer kept yelling for the people holding the chairs to turn the couple towards him, and how it seemed odd. They also mentioned that they were annoyed when asked to move over during the ceremony, and several other comments were made about his etiquette.

Although this may seem like an abnormal scenario, the fact is that in New York City, it is very common for photographers to be voiceterous. This is how things were done in the old days before equipment evolved allowing photographers to capture real moments in dimly lit situations. It is a style that is still very prevalent and taught by many studios that have the longevity you might be looking for. If you feel that things like this may bother you, it is smart to ask the photographer you interview point blank about their etiquette at weddings. Today's wedding photographer etiquette has evolved, and more in line with what most couples want. Most are looking for a photographer that captures history rather than one who creates it. In order to do that, they must have more than great photography, they have to have a personality that is in tune with the idea of being a historian. If you don't like what you hear when you ask, you may want to move on and weigh the pros and cons of style vs. longevity.

One thing I have learned in my career as a New York Wedding Photographer is that you never know what is behind a door in Manhattan. You may be walking down a street that isn't the prettiest of sights or smells for that matter and open a door into another world of opulence and beauty. Photographers in New York have such varying degrees of experience options that it is endless. You might go to a studio to meet one photographer, an apartment to meet another, a luxury high rise for yet another, or meet at Starbucks to do business with others and some photographers make house calls as well. This makes it tough for a couple to define exactly the talent or character of the company they are considering. The truth is that none of this matters as long as you love your photographs in the end. However, I am of the impression that there is something to be said for the company that puts money back into their client experiences. If they take pride in their appearance, their decor and presentation, then they will obviously take pride in the presentations they create for you.

You may also have to consider what their online experience is like. The majority of photographers at this stage in the game offer a wide variety of online services for proofing photographs, slide shows for guests, etc... If you aren't impressed with the finesse of their website, then chances are, you won't be overly impressed with their post wedding online experiences either. The web is the ultimate tool for photographers to share their images with the world, so it makes sense that those with a focus on their clients experiences online initially will also offer more detailed post wedding experiences and opportunities as well.

Quality of Work
Too many technical details define what quality actually is in the photography industry. It may be the detail of the cameras a photographer uses, it may be the printer their photographs is printed on, or could be a variety of things. It seems that everyone claims to offer the best quality or be the best in the photography world because there is no way to determine what is best. Photography is after all an art. What is one man's masterpiece is another man's trash. Best in photography on the high end is usually defined by awards, client list, credentials, or all of the above.

The only true way to for a photographer to really state they are among the best is if they can back it up with some sort of data that showcases that their work is above par. There are endless competitions for photographers to enter, and the creme always rises to the top. Arguably the most coveted award in the world of wedding photography is the Grand Award of the International Photography Awards held by the organization WPPI or Wedding and Portrait Photographers International. Thousands of entries from the world's most renowned photographers are judged each year by a panel of the world's elite. Winners of this prestigious award are very few and far between, but history shows that there are a few New York Wedding Photographers that manage to place in the top three year after year making their work noticeably unique with defining qualities that are superior.

Another way to define best in class is with a client list. Photographers who are in demand by celebrities obviously have it going on. A combination of style, quality, and personality are almost always present with photographers who photograph Manhattan's social elite. These photographers obviously come with a price tag that is affordable by few, but the feeling of being photographed by the same artist that captures the soul of celebrities, dignitaries, and world leaders is a personal experience that makes the photographs and the experience a prized possession and memory in itself.

But quality has different meanings to different people. If on a tight budget, the best thing you can do is see artists of varying price levels and of varying credentials. Only then can you figure out who's eyes offer the best value for your individual tastes. If you love the images you see, and trust name behind the company you should be safe.

Sales Practices
Be wary of companies who have hard sales techniques as there is always other options. New Yorkers can have a way of fast talking couples into signing on the dotted line. Make sure you are comfortable with your decision and if you have any questions about the integrity of the company or artist, sleep on it. Never feel forced to book on the spot, and be careful for those who you feel are trying to swindle you.

On the flip side, if you are wowed and know you have found what you are looking for, secure the date. Truth is, there are a LOT of weddings in New York every year, and not that many dates. If you are working with a reliable company that you have come to by referral then chances are the date won't be available for long.

Think Inside the Box
Manhattan weddings aren't easy. Combine city navigation, extremely tall ceilings, large open spaces, and dim lighting and you have just written a recipe for disaster for those that aren't experienced. It is smart to hire a photographer that is used to working in these situations. That doesn't mean just a photographer from Manhattan, but you probably wouldn't want to hire a country mouse to do the work of a city mouse. Country weddings are more forgiving for photographers as they offer a great deal of ease.

New York weddings also flow differently from other weddings in terms of timeline and logistics. For instance, a photographer from the city knows how to coordinate with their assistants that can be 30 stories above them photographing the groom getting ready as the bride arrives to the entrance of a hotel. Coordination of the team requires expensive specialized walkie talkies that can penetrate concrete and mileage as the standard talk about just doesn't cut it. If you are planning a lavish Manhattan affair, saving money by bringing in a country photographer can be a mistake as they don't encounter the difficulties week end and week out.

There is nothing more fabulous than a New York Wedding. New York offers grandeur, excitement, glamour, and style which can resonate in your wedding photographs. These simple tips should allow you to navigate the waters with a little more thought in mind when you begin your research for the wedding photographer that is perfect for your wedding. New York has it all so enjoy it for a lifetime with phenomenal photography that you are proud to own and cherish.

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