Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Digital Vaporizer with Glass Technology

Vaporizers with digital system are coming up in different models. One such model is equipped with glass technology. If used methodically this model is well apt to release quality vapor with natural flavor. Digital herbal vaporizer with glass technology is performing well nowadays. With the help of this digital model there is no need to use any oil for flavor. It enables the users to inhale active bio chemicals present in the herbal extracts. This model does not use essential oil also. In this digital vaporizer a very low heat is produced and so there is no chance of excess burning of the herbal stuff. Excess burning of the herbal stuff may be spoiled or at least looses its flavor.

In the digital vaporizer with glass the vapor that is produced is quite visible. So if sometimes vapor is not visible it becomes clear at least that vapor is to come or not.
In this vaporizer the first vapor released is most flavored after that intensity of the flavor may go down but still it is better than the flavor released by an ordinary vaporizer. Most of the people are hell bent upon buying this vaporizer. Its warranty period is offering something more than what is there in case of other models that are not digital in nature. The warranty period here of 3 years and during this period any part of the vaporizer can be exchanged if there is any manufacturing defect in the system. Moreover if it has been purchased from a distant place then it will be sent to the customer without the obligation of any payment.

Now have a look of some specifications of the glass tech digital vaporizer. First this model displays temperature reading so it is easy to know that if the vapor is ready or not. Its vapor out put is quite consistent as it is equipped with fan that is powered by electricity. This fan produces convection current and maintains suitable temperature for the vapor formation. The whole system is insulated with double glass kit and so it does not get heated. It has larger tubing system so that overheating is not possible in this digital system. It has ceramic heater. The beauty of the ceramic heater is that it does not fail at any cost and therefore its efficacy can not be doubted in any case. With these specifications the digital vaporizer with glass technology has become almost a hot cake for the customers.

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