Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fat Girl

Sexy single 30's women

People know that these stories can teach children a lot of useful things. Most likely. Okay, I made that up, but you get the idea. Lucky for me, when these questions began swarming in my head, a good girlfriend of mine, who has lived in Italy for a number of years, was in town to visit her family. Why are foreigners searching for Russian girls? By getting to know them better, you may find that diamond in the rough. In this section we write what Russian newspapers and media say about foreign men. Immigration, many Russian matchmaking agencies will offer trips to meet their Russian clients.

Lady death

They continued to baptize their children and to attend church services. They will make you become a man among men, a force upon nature. But I was honest. Each former Soviet Republic has its own independence day that is celebrated like Independence Day in America, although not quite to the same degree it is celebrated in America. Is this a conspiracy?

In California, they also have a Confidential Marriage certificate. I like simple wholesome food, rather than I hate ethnic food. And those old and kind folktales mostly teach the morals and show the attitude of a Russian beauty to her man.

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Foreigners in general seem to be more serious about family and children, unlike the men at home. Eventually, a day or two later, he broke out of his depression, and with the help of the local marriage agency, met a number of women. Reality: Russian women are more family oriented. Many even offer translating services to eliminate the need to be fluent in Russian prior to using a Russian dating agency.

If you do care for her, your behavior should demonstrate it. 29Perfect husband for a Russian girlLucky for me, when these questions began swarming in my head, a good girlfriend of mine, who has lived in Italy for a number of years, was in town to visit her family. Is it sensous and spontaneous? It took nine nerve-wracking months and everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Dating women From Russia. It is a good idea to take stock of the place where you live.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hot Russian Wifes

Free single girls

She knows now which cuts she likes and has mastered this technique. The truth is that out there are women with true feelings. Also, as most of the young girls, they mightlook for a stunningly handsome fiancée not much older than they are. Besides, it can be for any kind of occasion: a romantic evening, a relaxing getaway, recreation, a venue for parties, a way to entertain, a unique hideaway and more.

You will want to spend all your time with her. Lucky for me, when these questions began swarming in my head, a good girlfriend of mine, who has lived in Italy for a number of years, was in town to visit her family. Show her how happy and cheerful you are. I liked your structure. Women have you wondered if Dating European Men is more exciting then the men in your own neighborhood?

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Russian women are very adjusting and can adapt to any culture very easily and happily. River cruising is a very popular form of vacationing in Russia. The truth is that local gentlemen allegedly have traditions for vodka drinking and endless booze.

At the social, time is the most important resource you will have. Most Russian singles would much rather have a loving husband and friend than well sponsored life with a stranger. Do notjustify someone's being unprofessional.

Bearded lady

The future development of your relationship does not bother them. Russian families are conservative and will frown upon this.

They say it was an absolutely perfect option for them to meet and marry their spouses. It is going to be harder for herthough, because it is she who will have to adapt to the new environment, notyou. One of the some agencys Russian brides, in her letter to the American fiance says that she, being a Russian woman has learnt from her Eastern girlfriends how to be patient and docile with the men. This will prevent her being disappointed. And those old and kind folktales mostly teach the morals and show the attitude of a Russian beauty to her man. Russians also celebrate 'Catholic Christmas' on December 25th and the old Russian New Year's Day of January 14th in the Julian calendar, which they used until 1918. The three beautiful cities you will be visiting -- Moscow, St. She begins to do what she has seen all Russian women doing since she was a little girl тАУ taking care of their families the only way they know how тАУ by taking charge. Ads by AntiScammers

Friday, November 28, 2008

Anastasia Russian Brides

Ukrainian women seeking free address

When they meet a gold-digger, they are surprised, even though money is exactly what they were advertising. That's for sure! The fact is that, in comparison with girls from such cosmopolitans as Moscow, Kiev or Odessa that usually loaded with foreigners, Almaty is not so popular among them due to its remote geographical position.

When I just came to USA, I was surprised how many pregnant women I saw on the streets! In Russia it is very seldom that you will see a pregnant woman in public. If you believe a certain agency carries a lousy reputation, then why bother joining it in the first place? Substantially more than half of them are women, and approximately twenty percent of those are single and available women. Men who want to share their life with a woman from that country should know that it will not be easy to adapt to the habits of a new daily life. A warm jacket, a shirt and a sweater that you can wear underneath are enough. They are well-educated, intelligent. The Russian bride may encourage the man to pay for tickets so that she can come for a visit.

Dating women Single

One of the top reasons why the FSU women prefer foreigners is that the men at their home country arent good enough. Okay, I'll go along with that.

Although such pressure is getting less in the current days, until recently a lady could be viewed as an old maid unless she got married by the age of 22-23.

Maybe her new husband is alcoholic or abusive. They put together combinations that seem unusual to an American. S.Immigration, many Russian matchmaking agencies will offer trips to meet their Russian clients.

One of the some agencys Russian brides, in her letter to the American fiance says that she, being a Russian woman has learnt from her Eastern girlfriends how to be patient and docile with the men. Then showing him around for a shopping tour in shops where expensive and world-famous brands are prominently placed.

Tank girl

People know that these stories can teach children a lot of useful things. However, what is the reason for Russian women to seek older men? There is no denying that love has been known to spark in strange circumstances, but one has to wonder if its' love, or some other motive that causes men and women to enter into a 'mail order bride' relationship.

Given the fact that I was from California and thus could barely speak proper English, it was all the more a challenge.

Most foreigners note that FSU women look different from the latter two, and I don't just mean their outward beauty, which has been mentioned and admired by many. The schemes and fraud efforts vary in strategy, but all have one thing in common, money. Most of the other folktales narrate about the importance to stay inside the house all the time, as it is the only safe place where the future life can be regulated. Most on-line catalogues have a short biography of the woman that accompanies her picture. You are free to exchange telephone numbers, mail addresses and any contact information that will help you keep in touch after you leave Russia.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How to Remove the Psychological Addiction to Smoking - and Start to ENJOY Giving Up Smoking!

Consider this:

Already since 1972, over 60 million people in the USA alone have successfully quit smoking!

At one stage over 60% of the adult population was addicted to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping........

Now, isn't this a fair thought......

If all these people can do it (60 MILLION OF THEM!) - and they include EVERY TYPE of person imaginable - surely that is PROOF that IT IS POSSIBLE to successfully give up smoking.

Here's another Fact......

We now know from the latest scientific research, that although nicotine is one of the world's fastest acting drugs --- the actual PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs when you give up ARE SO MILD, YOU WILL HARDLY NOTICE THEM WHEN YOU STOP.

YES, you have read that sentence right!

I know you will want to argue with me on this point, but, first, let me first make the following points.......

The Desire to Smoke

Yes, when you stop smoking you will feel the desire AGAIN and AGAIN to smoke.

We all know that feeling -- 'I must have a cigarette'. But that desire in itself is not bad or painful.

It is just a feeling, a sensation we feel in our body.

However........this is where, for most of us our problems start.....

If we start to fear that 'craving' or try to use 'Willpower' to REPRESS it or FORCE it go away, -- "I wish this feeling would go away" we WILL create pain and tension.

This is what as smokers we have all done in the past.

That 'feeling' of wanting to smoke then becomes painful, annoying and terribly irritating.

Now this is the hard part to realize.......

The pain, the horror does not come from the desire to smoke, but from HOW we deal with this desire, moment-by-moment WHEN we stop.

Can I emphasize this:

You do not have to experience ANY pain or agony when you stop. Yes, when you stop you WILL experience a ...........

Temporary feeling of loss

A feeling that you are being deprived of something

A feeling of emptiness

A feeling that you will never be able to enjoy yourself again.

A feeling that you must have a cigarette

These feelings, although very real in themselves are not inherently bad or painful. What is important is how you deal with these feelings when you stop.

The key part of giving up smoking naturally is learning how to deal with these cravings when you stop.


Right now, you don't want to give up smoking because you are TERRIFIED of how you will FEEL when you can't smoke.

Let's be honest.

You smoke now because you enjoy it.

Or -- to be more accurate: You smoke now because you have conditioned yourself to enjoy it.

It is important that we are honest with ourselves here.

In fact, even the 'THOUGHT', the mere 'thought' of not been able to smoke probably fills you with utter dread now.

But there is another undeniable fact: This 'pleasure' is killing you. Again we must be brutally honest here. Everyday, you are systemically destroying your health.

This is the conflict all smokers face.

On the one hand, smoking is killing you and you desperately want to stop.....

..And yet on the other hand, you don't really want to stop because you believe you really enjoy it.

Yet, one other truth cannot be denied and this applies to every smoker........

We are terrified of how we will F-E-E-L when we can't smoke. We are convinced it will be unbearable and impossible.


Right now, the ONLY thing -- yes, THE ONLY THING stopping you from giving up smoking is this fear of how YOU WILL FEEL WHEN YOU STOP.

And yet this very fear is the actual key to giving up smoking naturally.

Giving up smoking is really all about learning HOW to deal with the cravings and feelings you WILL get when you stop.

When you learn how to do that - you will realize that there is nothing to fear when you give up.

What is there to fear ?

When you get the craving to smoke, which you will, again and again - - you will now take the OPPORTUNITY to 'change' or 'transform' that craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least tolerable to experience.


You have decided to give up smoking. It's dinnertime.

You have finished a day's work.....

You finish your meal and ..... subconsciously, you reach for a cigarette. But then, of course you remember you no longer smoke.

Bang! At that moment, certain gut feelings will arise.

Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness..... We all know how it feels.

But the real question is: How will you deal with this feeling -- this craving to smoke?

Will you just suffer it, try to repress it and hope that it will go away? That is one option. The old willpower method.

Or will you give in to the feeling -- and start to smoke again (promising to start again tomorrow)?

Or will you - - for the first time ever: - - follow our instructions and actually ALLOW yourself to transform the feeling/craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least pleasant or tolerable enough to experience.

You see, when you can do that, you will no longer be AFRAID of these cravings when you stop smoking.

In fact, you will start to WELCOME them because they will give you another opportunity to RESPOND and DEAL with them in this NEW WAY.

This process is the essence of giving up smoking naturally and finding it a pleasant and life-affirming experience.


Are you now beginning to see how these principles can also apply to losing weight.

You see a beautiful cake. You want to eat it....when BANG! -- You remember you are on a diet.

Now watch HOW YOU feel when this happens?

Couldn't we describe it as ....

'Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness.....

Isn't it essentially the same feeling as not being able to smoke?

However, the real question is the same with smoking: How will you DEAL with this feeling -- this craving to eat?

Will you GIVE IN to it -- and eat the cake or will you try and FORCE yourself not to eat it- and be miserable?

Why not consider our alternative?

Accept this feeling, this desire to eat. But, instead of giving in to it, learn how to deal and respond to it in a NEW way so that you don't MIND experiencing it?

Transform the craving so that it is actually enjoyable or very pleasant to experience.

The Joy of Giving up Smoking?

Remember, when you stop - yes, you WILL feel something but there will be no physical agony, only a temporary feeling that you are MISSING OUT on something. A feeling that you are being deprived of something SPECIAL --- but these feelings will ONLY be temporary.

However, to quit smoking successfully and to start to enjoy doing it we must go deeper than these temporary cravings.

We must realize that :

You find it difficult or impossible to stop smoking now because......... you BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY that you NEED to smoke and even deeper, you BELIEVE that if you give up smoking now, your life will never be as ENJOYABLE again.

In one sentence: You believe your life will be intolerable.

It is these beliefs that makes giving up smoking difficult NOT Nicotine addiction.

Right now, you are not only physically addicted to smoking but you are psychologically dependent or addicted to smoking.

If your addiction were purely physical wouldn't all these nicotine patches have a 100% success record ?

Yet, we all know that even if we use a nicotine substitute, we will still continue to feel a terrible desire to smoke.

Again and again, we'll feel we must have a cigarette. At times, it will even get to the stage where we just don't care - even the most dire health warnings will have no affect on us - we just WANT to smoke. Where does this desire come from ?

It comes from our conditioning, our beliefs about smoking.

This moment, we believe that smoking is an essential pleasure. In fact, most of us have a terrible resistance to EVEN thinking about giving up smoking.

Why ?

Because we believe that in order to do anything about our addiction, i.e. give up smoking -- we would have to end our pleasure and ending pleasure is something we have NO DESIRE to do.

Medicines Online

Contact Lenses and Eye Glasses, How is Your Vision?

Notice friends getting contact lenses and pulling out eye glasses?

"What do you recommend?"

I find myself asking people what looks good to them, what do they recommend or can they summarize the directions on a medicine bottle more often now than ever before.

It's called presbyopia. This happens when the eyes gradually lose the ability to focus on near objects. You may first notice presbyopia, farsightedness, trying to read a menu in a dark restaurant or working on your computer, adjusting the distance to reduce eye strain.

At first you may think trouble reading is temporary or at least won't get worst, but sadly over the years this isn't so.

As we age presbyopia will get worst. Our vision changes, it is considered a normal part of the aging process and typically becomes noticeable in the 40-45 age bracket.

Fortunately, the over 40 crowd has more choices than their parents when it comes to correcting near vision.

Today's baby boomers can choose from:

    ? Reading glasses - many frame styles and lens colors to choose from.
    ? Multifocals ? for those needing a little help seeing close-up, as well as a little farther out.
    ? Computer glasses ? get headaches or blurred vision looking at your computer screen? You may need intermediate vision correction, glasses designed for the intermediate zone.
    ? Trifocals ? offering 3 prescriptions in one lens. The wearer can focus on objects through different points in the lens when looking at different distances.
    ? How about bifocal contact lenses ? offering the convenience of contacts and providing the ability to see both far and near. Bifocal contacts are very popular today in fashion, for convenience and because they are so affordable.
    ? Cosmetic contact lenses ? colored lenses to both correct your vision and enhance your appearance.
    ? Eye surgery ? both laser surgery and Conductive Keratoplasty are used to correct farsightedness. Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) is a non laser procedure for baby boomers with trouble seeing in the near and intermediate range.

Today, there is no reason to limit your vision. The eye care industry offers a lens or solution for almost any vision problem. See your eye doctor to find out your options. Those over 40 should be seeing an eye doctor at least every 2 years.

Medicines Blog

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tempest in a Tea Cup, Wisdom in a Sake Cup

What an oxymoron the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has turned out to be. This vegan organization has one colossal ax to grind with their archrival, Darth Atkins. This is an old score that they've unfairly flung in front of the public before, all in the effort to squash the low carb idea and its adherents.

The first time was when Robert Atkins suffered his fatal accident, a cranial blow that caused edema ? when water accumulates within the tissues. This tragic condition, obviously, caused his body to fill with fluid and thus, his overall weight to rise.

The so-called "Responsible Physicians" seized on this dying man's condition by calling Atkins obese ? which he was not ? and telling everyone who would listen that his diet killed him ? which it did not.

In the end, all they accomplished is to add bitterness and confusion to nutrition science by their shrill, unfair attacks on those who happen to disagree with them.

So, after maligning a dead man, they've now put up Florida businessman Jody Gorran to sue the Atkins Corporation. Gorran ? channeling those Responsible Physicians ? made the following claims. First, Atkins was a doctor and Gorran was on his diet. Second, he had to have heart angioplasty to clear his arteries after 2 years on the diet. And third, he reasoned, of the 40,000 factors that affect weight and health ? the Atkins approach must have been the very one to have done it to him.

Of course, I'm no low carb acolyte, and do anxiously encourage the lemmings to rebound back from the intoxication with this high protein approach. But you still have to be fair, or you lose integrity, credibility, and confuse everyone in the process. That's why the Responsible vegans need to go sit in time out, before heading off to their anger management therapy.

But from our perspective, their messy food fight is about more than one group flinging their high carb carob at Atkins' sausage-n-cheese omelet. It's about hearing an off-key chorus of competing messages from different camps of experts. In the midst of all this confusion, dietary decisions get left in the hands of you and me. We could pick the Krispy Kreme diet if we wanted, or low fat, or low carb, and find some scientific validation for any of it.

So what's the sane middle ground? What lies between low fat and low carb? And most importantly, what rational guidance are we supposed to draw upon when planning dinner or a grocery store trip?

The best solution is to step back out of the niggling experts and think more intuitively about a healthy lifestyle approach.

For example, browsing through the import store this past week, on the hunt for a Sake set for a birthday present, one particular set bore a list of ten rules for living. I would love to see these simple maxims advised as basic common sense strategies.

  • Eat less sugar, more fruit

  • Use little salt, more vinegar

  • Put less food in the mouth, chew more

  • Eat less meat, more vegetables

  • It is better to give than to receive

  • Control your temper, laugh more often

  • Speak fewer words, take more action

  • Worry less, get plenty of sleep

  • Sit less, walk more

  • Wear only as much clothes as you need, bathe often

Rules like these work, have as much to do with your lifestyle as anything else, and ultimately improve your weight and health. The various diet experts may gnash their teeth at some pet idea mislaid, but you and I will find it hard to disagree with such basic common sense.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Do you suffer from Osteoarthritis? Here?s how to tell!?

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA). This type of arthritis is commonly referred to as wear and tear arthritis or degenerative arthritis."
While this condition probably begins in the early teen years, it does not become symptomatic until a person reaches their 40's.
Osteoarthritis affects cartilage, the slippery elastic tissue that covers the ends of long bones. Cartilage functions to absorb shock from movement and also to provide a gliding surface for the joints. With OA, the cartilage begins to wear away and the underlying bones begin to rub against each other. This leads to pain. As OS progresses, it causes swelling and loss of motion. Bone spurs develop and the joint starts to deform. Microscopic particles of cartilage and bone flake off and cause irritation of the joint lining leading to more inflammation which leads to pain and more damage.
Symptoms of OA include pain or stiffness in a joint particularly after getting out of bed or after sitting for a prolonged period of time. Some people have "flares" of their symptoms with weather changes. Stiffness and pain in the joints with movement may occur as may "crunchiness".
Some people report no symptoms. One study done at the National Institutes of Health showed that one third of patients with osteoarthritis on x-ray had no symptoms.
While any joint may be affected, the most common areas of involvement are weight-bearing parts of the skeleton such as the neck, low back, hips, and knees. The great toe and the base of the thumb are also common locations. In older women the last row of finger joints and the next to last row of finger joints may be affected. Less common sites are the shoulders, elbows, ankles, and jaws.
Many factors including the way people use their joints. Occupational experiences also play a role. For instance, miners and dockworkers may develop knee OA while farmers have a higher incidence of OA of the hip. Ballet dancers can also develop OA in the feet, ankles, and hips. Athletes also fall into a high risk category with women soccer players being more likely to develop knee OA as a result of prior injury. Other athletic activities which cause joint trauma also can be a trigger for the development of OA.
Obesity is a major risk factor for OA of the hips and knees. The famous Framingham study showed that obese women had the most severe OA.
People with other types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout are at increased risk for developing OA also.
Probably the most significant risk factor is genetic. Patients with a strong family history of OA are at high risk themselves for developing OA. This is most likely a result of defects in cartilage metabolism which hastens wear and tear.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Prevent Foot Problems When Walking

Americans are on the go. According to a NSGA Survey, 71 million American adults are exercise walkers, making walking the top sport in the United States. Taking steps daily to improve health will help with America's obesity epidemic. Sixty five percent of Americans are overweight, which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and some types of cancer. Walking an extra 2000 steps a day is equivalent to walking a distance of 1 mile and to burning 100 calories. Burning an extra 100 calories a day is equivalent to losing about 10 pounds in a year.

The American Podiatric Medical Association teamed with Prevention Magazine to name the "12 Best Walking Cities in the U.S." The cities were examined based on their crime rate, air quality, mass transit, historic sites, museums, parks and gyms. The top 12 cities were San Francisco, San Diego, Honolulu, Washington, DC, San Antonio, El Paso, St. Louis, Madison, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey.

National campaigns, health practitioners and even major corporations are encouraging Americans to walk more. Unfortunately, many sedentary individuals who start walking programs quickly develop foot problems. Almost sixty million Americans have foot problems and many develop them after beginning a new exercise routine. A foot injury can take weeks, even months to heal and many will gain more weight during this healing period. Preventing these problems through education will keep Americans walking.

1. Buy a shoe made for walking. Make sure the shoe has enough stability and support. If you can fold the shoe in half, it is too flexible. Make sure the shoe has enough room at the toes and is fitted well at the heel.

2. Start on flat surfaces. Do not start a walking program walking on hills or stairs.

3. Start with a short distance. Stick with that distance for a week. If you are pain free and injury free, increase the distance the following week.

4. Start with an easy pace. Increase your pace gradually.

5. Choose soft surfaces. Walking on a track or a trail will decrease the impact on your feet and legs. Cement can be a particularly hard surface to walk on.

6. Limit your time on the treadmill. Treadmills can contribute to the development of foot problems. Start with the treadmill flat and at a slow pace. Slowly increase your pace each week. Increase the incline after you have reached a comfortable pace.

7. Stop if you feel foot or ankle pain. Don't try to walk through the pain.

8. Examine your feet. Look areas of rub or irritation the first few weeks of your walking program and then again after trying new shoes or socks. Moleskin can be placed on areas of irritation to help decrease friction. Do not use bandaids on these areas.

9. Consider wearing orthotics. Individuals with flat feet may need inserts for their shoes. When buying inserts, look for sport othotics, as opposed to cushioned insoles. A more rigid insert will offer more support. Custom orthotics can be made by a podiatrist if necessary.

10. Avoid cotton socks. Synthetic socks decrease friction, prevent excess rubbing and don't absorb moisture. Your local running store or sports store should carry a variety of new high-tech socks for walking.

Consult your podiatrist if you start to develop pain when walking, or consider a visit before embarking on your new walking program.

Christine Dobrowolski is a podiatrist and the author of Those Aching Feet: Your Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Foot Problems.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Simple Self-Help Tips

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Internet Dating - Introduction

So you're single. And you don't want to be single any longer. Welcome to the club. It's not an exclusive club and it's not new. In fact, it's a large club with millions of members and it's been in existence forever with a constant churn of people signing in and passing through. For as long men and women have been dating, there's always been a point when the dates no longer feel fun and meeting new people becomes a chore instead of a chance.

As soon as you reach that stage when you just know you don't want to be alone any more, membership is automatic. It's not that you don't like your own company or that your life seems meaningless by yourself. But you know you'll be happier sharing your time and your future with someone else-and the sooner it starts the happier you'll be.

It used to be the case that when singles reached this stage-when they were ready to turn their backs on their bachelorhood-they'd ring up their pals, talk to their friends and go through a string of introductions until they found someone they were prepared to settle down with.

Today, it's a lot easier. You're not limited to your social circle's social circles and there's no pressure from pals who are convinced you should like their pal-and believe there's something wrong with you if you don't. You can just go online, sign up to a dating site and gain access to millions of singles from around the world and from all walks of life.

It couldn't be easier and you're in control. For less than the price of a decent bottle of wine, you can contact thousands of singles who live near you, want to hear from you and are looking for exactly the same thing as you.

You can write them emails, chat with them online, swap photos and make arrangements to meet. Believe the blurb on the websites and you can find the love of your life in minutes-one click and you're there.

Clearly, it's not that easy.

At their most basic, dating sites are just giant databases stuffed with details on eligible singles-only some of whom are at the same stage as you.

People come to dating sites for all sorts of reasons and to find all sorts of relationships. Most are looking for a long-term connection that may lead to marriage. Many are looking for a new relationship that may become long-term. Some are looking for a quick fling that won't last longer than a weekend.

And even when you do find someone who looks interesting and wants the same thing that you do, there's no guarantee that they'll want what you have to offer. Rejection lives online too.

The fact is, while online dating certainly makes meeting the love of your life a great deal easier, it still requires effort, planning and an investment of both time and money. Exactly the same rules apply on the Web as in bars, clubs and parties.

You have to look good, be charming and stay honest if you want to build a new life with someone you're only just getting to know. You have to know how to make a great first impression, pick the right person and see it through. And you have to know how to make the most of the tools and chances you have available. All of those thing remain true throughout the online dating process-just as they're true offline too.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Signs of Suicide : Learn What They are and How to Deal with Them

The true numbers are probably much higher because many suicides are reported as accidents or illnesses. Suicides are usually the result of a complex combination of emotional, social, and biological factors. For that reason, learning about the warning signs of suicide can be difficult yet so important.

Warning Signs of Suicide:

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
Extreme withdrawal from friends, family, and usual activities
Talking about suicide or "ending it all"
Self-destructive or risk-taking behavior
Giving away favorite possessions
Sudden changes in mood or behavior
Increased use of alcohol or drugs
dentification with someone who has committed suicide
Preoccupation with thoughts of death
Previous suicide attempt(s)

How to Help Someone Showing Signs of Suicide

Know the warning signs!

Most suicidal people give clues about their feelings. Don't be afraid to ask someone you are worried about if he or she is thinking of taking his or her own life. You cannot make someone suicidal by asking a direct, caring question about the warning signs of suicide you may have identified. Tell your loved one that you are worried and give specific reasons why. Stress that he or she is very important to you and to other people. Encourage that person to get help through a psychiatrist, social worker, clergy member, or other mental health professionals.

How to Deal with Signs of Suicide:

Stay Calm. Don't overreact.

Express Concern. Take your friend or family member seriously. Explain why you are worried. Be specific.

Listen Attentively. Maintain eye contact.

Ask Direct Questions. It is important to find out if your friend has a specific plan for suicide.

Acknowledge Feelings. Do not be judgmental. Don't take it personally if you can't help your friend "cheer up".

Reassure. Stress that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. Remind your friend that there is always hope, and things can and will get better.

Don't Promise Confidentiality. You may need to consult others, or talk to your friend's doctor about the signs of suicide you have identified. Take Action, Involve Others.

Don't attempt to handle this alone. Consult others who are trained to help and deal with warning signs of suicide.

Considerations in Distance Education for the Medical Assistant Instructor

Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. Distance education, particularly in its most recent form, online education, is being integrated into even the most cautious and conservative of educational institutions. Yet the impact of these alternative forms of teaching and learning on students, faculty, and institutions has yet to be broadly or deeply studied. New models such as that at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School are immerging. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School is available at:

Distance education is not new, and can be traced as far back as the first century. The Apostle Paul wrote to the early Christian churches, instructing them from a distance (even when he was under 'house arrest' in Rome). This was probably the first type of 'correspondence course', which was the only method of learning at a distance until the advent of the telephone. Today, distance education and in particular online medical assistant instruction calls upon an impressive range of technologies to enable medical assistant instructor and the medical assistant student who are separated by distance to communicate with each other either in real time (synchronous) or delayed time (asynchronous). Currently and asynchronous model used at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School to instruct medical assistant students. This has proven to be a very effective model however the medical assistant program is currently investigating the benefits of synchronous online medical assistant instruction and the benefits it may have for the medical assistant student.

Medical Assistant distance learning epitomizes the move away from institute based learning to a more direct, student centered approach. As a concept, distance learning has existed for over a century, notably in the form of paper based correspondence courses including the less formal correspondence education for medical assistants. Now however, distance education is depending increasingly upon technology for its success and technological innovations ensure that distance learning for the medical assistant continues to evolve and grow as a valid and potent force in all forms of education for the medical assistant.

The task of the medical assistant distance educator is therefore to obviate these problems as much as possible by mixing and matching techniques, creating and maintaining a stimulating environment, and offering opportunities for medical assistant students to communicate with each other and with the medical assistant teaching staff on a regular basis. The medical assistant educators will also need to change their traditional role as well. Many remote medical assistant students need a great deal of social support, and medical assistant distance educators may find themselves spending more time offering one-to-one tutorials and less time lecturing. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School at is leading today's technology in medical assistant education.

When designing medical assistant educational systems and materials for medical assistant distance in delivery the medical assistant teacher must consider not only learning outcomes, but also centered requirements and technical constraints for the medical assistant. Also to be considered are the needs, characteristics, and individual differences of both the students, the teachers and future medical assistants.

Medical assistant distance education for the medical assistant then, should not be viewed as a means of reducing costs, but as an opportunity to raise standards. It is also about providing quality medical assistant learning opportunities for those who, for one reason or another, have previously been excluded from this basic human right. Medical Assistant distance education will quickly become the norm and not the exception for the twenty first century medical assistant. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education.

FDA Orders Search Engines to Stop Online Pharmacies

How Does Online Pharmacies Affect Pharmacy Leaders?

With cheaper drugs made available online, big pharmacy companies are losing control of their monopolistic control over the pharmacy industry. They are not able to compete with these online pharmacies with their exorbitant drug prices. FDA moves in and tries to protect these companies from online pharmacies by trying to censor online information from users. What FDA does not know about the internet is: nobody controls internet and the spread of information over the web. Even major search engines like Google have no control over the use of information on the web. Google protects and encourages free speech on the web and that is why searching online for products is so good- you can find anything online these days. If major pharmaceutical leaders cannot compete with online pharmacies' prices, they should look to resolving the situation themselves, not use FDA or use political pressures. What good is the internet if certain products are censored?

How Good Can It Get?

Buying medicine online is the way of the future. They do away the need for extensive pharmaceutical company structures and hundreds of drug salesmen stalking hospitals and clinics every day. When comparing online pharmacies and pharmaceutical leaders, it is similar to comparing Toyota and BMW. Online pharmacies work just like Toyota- cheap and more effective. They are safer and better than BMW in many ways while BMW represents the prestige of owning a continental car.

Clearly, we should present cheaper drug alternatives via online pharmacies to internet users as well as brand name drugs. So far, US pharmaceutical industry is infested with drug lords and BMWs, but why can't there be more online pharmacies and Toyotas?

Bobby Stark works in an established US pharmacy for 10 years and spends his spare time on his Online Pharmacy Review site to guide buyers in choosing their medical products.